raising kids in the foreign service: a book!

For the past few months, I’ve had the privilege of doing work for Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide (AAFSW) with a number of fabulous people and a couple of weeks ago, one of our projects came to fruition — a new book, Raising Kids in the Foreign Service!


When the first call for writers and editors came out, I was a little bummed because raising kids (whether in the FS or out) is definitely not something with which I have any experience. Well, other than countless hours spent babysitting and being the extra parent to my youngest sister, Laura. But still. Nothing I could give advice about, that’s for sure.

I contacted Leah, the overall editor of the book and said that while I would be happy to be an editor, I didn’t feel I was qualified enough to contribute as a writer. She responded by sending me a list of topics she wanted that no one was writing. And on that list? A topic I could easily write without having raised children myself: comparing the high school Advanced Placement program to that of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Super boring but also very important. Plus, since I took my fair share of AP tests (and at a school that didn’t offer very many AP-designated classes, but did offer a whole host of the tests each spring), I decided this was something I could do.

Of course i loved doing it — I really do love to write — and the overall book is very impressive. So, just in time for the holiday season, AAFSW’s latest book is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. I am a proud contributor but, more than that, think it is a very helpful book for this complicated lifestyle that is the FS.

Get your copy here!

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